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Dear community. It is my pleasure to present to you, the new Masternode coin listing where you as the user will have an influence on the content and features.

XeggeX | Graviex | FreiXLite | Exchange-Assets

FreiExchange | CoinStake | StakeCenter

Coin info:
NodeStats | CoinCodex | CoinMarketCap | CoinPaprika

Coingecko | Delta | LiveCoinWatch | CoinLore

What is the meaning of NodeStats?

As we know there are many masternode coin listings out there. The meaning of NodeStats is, to get the information you need to be presented right away. No more browsing around to find the right information and no more using the calculator. Then there will be a blockchain voting system, where we use the NS coin for voting on different things on the website. It could be a coin listing or a new feature. This is to give the users the option for influence on what they need on the website. So it will not always be up to the coin developers to list on the service, but now the users can too. The new votings will be posted here when we are ready https://nodestats.info/voting.php so keep an eye on the website. To request a coin or a feature, the user needs to join the discord server and post their suggestions in the request channels. Then we will look at them, and make votings from them. I hope this new website will bring you a lot of useful information for your investing, and that you will use the system for future listings and features.

NodeStats | VaultWatch | Masternodes Online

Crypos | Pecunia | Masternodes Biz

CoinStake | StakeCenter | SaltPool

CryptoMasters | CryptoSky | Quick Services

Livenodes Casino | MCPC Marketplace | Swapnodes swap service


If you want to get your coin listed on NodeStats, then please contact Monberg75#3284 on the NodeStats Discord server or send a mail: [email protected] and I will return your request as soon as possible.

To list a coin, there are 2 ways.
  • Instant coin listing price will be 100 USD paid in any major cryptovaluta or NodeStats coin.
  • Put the coin you want listed in the #coin-requests in the Discord server, and we will put it in a voting at some point. The coin votings will be announced and put in the #coin-votings channel in the Discord server.


Collateral Test tool instructions:

Main Information

If you change the phase numbers, there will be more phases to edit. CAUTION! If you already edited a structure, and you enter a low number, the phases will be removed regardless of content.

If you use the checkmarks, the test result will show the numbers with these values used in the calculations instead of the values in the form. The values in the form will stay as they are, and at any time you can remove the checkmark and use the form values instead.

Collateral Structure

These are the numbers of phases you have chosen in the MAIN INFORMATION Phase numbers field.

Start Block:
The start block can be left EMPTY except for start block in phase-1 IT HAS TO BE FILLED. Then it will be calculated from the end block once you click TEST.

End Block:
The end block of the phase has to ALWAYS be filled. If left blank or set to 0 it means the end of collateral structure.

Collateral has to ALWAYS be filled.

Rewards has to ALWAYS be filled.

Masternode Reward:
You can either fill it OR check the checkmark in the MAIN INFORMATION field. You can also do both, and switch between them to test different structures.

Stake Reward:
You can either fill it OR check the checkmark in the MAIN INFORMATION field. You can also do both, and switch between them to test different structures.

Masternode Count:
You can either fill it OR check the checkmark in the MAIN INFORMATION field. You can also do both, and switch between them to test different structures.

Test Result

Earnings is the earnings for that specific phase, based on the numbers.

Difference is the difference between earnings and the next collateral. This way you can see, if the investors has to invest in coins for the next collateral, or if they earn enough coins.

Revenue is all earnings added up after collateral, that way you can see the theoretical total earnings for a masternode.

This is the ROI for this specific phase, based on the numbers.

Phase Time:
This is the period of time for this specific phase, then you can see how often the phase is shifting.

Saving and backup:
The script saves a cookie every time you click 'TEST'. This means, that you can get back to your work up to a year, and still have your data safe in place. So if the accident happens, and you have a power outage or maybe closed the browser by accident, you will be able to pick up where you left when things are back to normal.



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