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The hosting is all done manually, for now, so personal contact is needed.
Also, a Premium membership is required to follow your masternodes.

The listing price is $1 per masternode per month. Paid in any major currency.

If you have more than 10 masternodes, you'll get 10% discount.
If you have more than 25 masternodes, you'll get 25% discount.

If you have at least 1 NS masternode, you'll get 5% extra loyality discount for all hosted nodes.

If you want to order a masternode, contact me in discord as username
Monberg75-NodeStats#3284 on the official NodeStats Discord server.

Or use this contact form.

The following coins are supported for masternode hosting so far. If you would like a specific coin, don't hesitate to contact me to get it added to the system.

- This site is only for information and not investing recommendations -