Mabuhay! GalleonCoin / GALE (yes, there are copycats out there hence the ticker) is an SHA-256csm Proof-of-Work (PoW) coin on its own independent Mainnet blockchain. It is a Masternode coin loosely based on PIVX with a rapidly growing community of miners, a catchy logo, A very active Discord, and an endless wall of memery and freebies to promote the Plebeian Enlightenment and a worthy cause. GalleonCoin / GALE features Lighting Fast Transaction speeds due to our improvements on the original PIVX code. You can send hundreds of millions of GALE to another user anywhere in the world for a transaction fee that is a fraction of a percent of the absolute state of ethereum or XRP fees.
We despise Gas fees. Passionately. Unconditionally. Unreservedly. Did we mention we dont like Gas Fees? If you see the modern-day thievery that high transaction costs are, then you are already halfway towards becoming a potential convert to the sacred cause of our Most Excellent Brotherhood of Galleoneers |